This is one of the most common questions I am asked by clients. The answer is easily found in the Phytosanitary Export Database (PExD) provided by USDA which contains phytosanitary import requirements of US-origin commodities to foreign countries. For most countries and commodities, there are three phrases to know if your seed export requires an Import Permit.
1. “Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) is required.”
This phrase means you only need to provide the customer a Phytosanitary Certificate. No Import Permit is required.

2. “Phytosanitary Certificate and Import Permit (IP) are required.”
This phrase adds “and Import Permit (IP) are required” noting that it is required only for the importer to obtain the permit for customs clearance into their country. The permit is not required for the exporter to obtain the Phytosanitary Certificate.

3. “Phytosanitary Certificate and Import Permit (IP) are required. Do not certify unless an IP is presented.”
When “Do not certify unless an IP is presented” is noted in PExD, the Authorized Certification Official (ACO) is required to obtain a clear copy of the Import Permit from the exporter to issue the Phytosanitary Certificate.

For more information on Import Permits or PExD, contact AgCultured Consulting.
